
Road Trip Vignettes – Ganeshas on the roadside!

Last Updated on 23 May 2016 by Poorna & Brinda

Ganeshas on the road side? Yes, this was interesting.

A Road trip is always like this. You suddenly notice something interesting and get down. It can be anything. A lovely landscape or a small water fall or life in rural india. It gives you the freedom to enjoy the journey at your own pace. Many a time, we have noticed that journeys are more interesting than the actual destination itself. We call these as “memorable moments” on the road. When these vignettes are captured on the lens, they remain cherished memories forever.

We were driving in Telengana in January this year. We were on our way from Hyderabad to Warangal. On the way when we were during in heart of Telengana, Poorna noticed these huge Ganeshas on the road side. We were not sure who had kept it there. The Ganeshas were huge in size. But they also looked mutilated as the hands were broken in many of them. We were not sure why and there was no one around to ask.

We stopped the vehicle and went close by to check. They were all made of plaster of paris. The idols were very nicely done and were beautiful. We took few pictures for the keeps. The mystery of these Ganeshas continue for us. In all possibility, these Ganeshas must have been made for previous year’s festival and lying there unsold. Anyway. it was a pleasant sight of rows of Ganeshas on the roadside!



What about your experience on the road? Have you come across any interesting sights while on a road trip? Please do share it?

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