
Rock Garden | Crown jewel of Chandigarh!

Rock Garden in Chandigarh. It is just beautiful.

We are writing this from Chandigarh on the way to Manali and beyond to Leh.

As we landed in Chandigarh in the afternoon today, we had sometime left to explore the city. A beautifully planned city, the main attraction happens to be the rock garden created by Nek Chand. Having seen pictures of it, we were keen to explore the place. We were not disappointed.

It is an effort of love by Nek Chand. The concept of rock garden itself is something unique. It is not traditional landscaped rock garden. What we see here is a garden built of stone and ceramics.

After buying a ticket for Rs 20, we enter the garden through a small arched door. The entrance and the passage through which we pass give us a fair indication what to expect inside. Rocks of various forms are embedded on the sides of the path. Each one of different shape and a sculpture in itself!

We move on following a well charted route. We were greeted by various forms of sculptures. Each one of different forms and colours. One lovelier than other!

Let us take you through a visual odyssey of the garden. Please click on the picture to see them in larger size.

Rock Garden Chandigarh

The entrance passage flanked by rock sculptures on either side

Rock Garden Chandigarh

Rock Garden Chandigarh

You will find rock sculptures in corners……


Rock Garden Chandigarh

Natural rocks…..Aren’t they cute??

Rock Garden Chandigarh

You go through these narrow alleys to get surprised by array of sculptures!!

Rock Garden Chandigarh

A replica of Chash-me-Shahi garden of Srinagar

Rock Garden Chandigarh

Take a look at the diversity of sculptures from now onwards……colourful and lovely!!

Rock Garden Chandigarh

Rock Garden Chandigarh

Rock Garden Chandigarh

Rock Garden Chandigarh

A pan shot ……mind blowing!!

Rock Garden Chandigarh

Rock Garden Chandigarh

Rock Garden Chandigarh


Rock Garden Chandigarh

These are made of bangles!!!

Rock Garden Chandigarh

Rock Garden Chandigarh

Rock Garden Chandigarh

Rock Garden Chandigarh

The colourful gallery…….

Rock Garden Chandigarh

We strongly recommend you to visit this place whenever you plan to go to Shimla or Manali. All you need is just an hour or two to explore it. Do take your kids along. They will just love it.

Only thing we could not digest was lack of any literature or brochure on the garden. Time to have a guided tour of this lovely place. Hope someone is reading this…..

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