Himalayas Ladakh Mountains

Pink Mountains of Ladakh!

Pink mountains of Ladakh!

Travelling in Ladakh is always fun. It also throws surprises. Ladakh is all about colourful mountains. We always feel that when you travel in Himalayas, the journey is as good as destination. Sometimes, better.

We have been to Ladakh three times. Every time, we have comeback with something new to savour. It happened this time as well. We were in Ladakh two weeks back. We were driving to Tso Kar. We were aware that the road to Tso Kar goes through some fantastic landscape.

It was on the way back that we stopped to look at these pink mountains. The light was good. The mountain was well-lit up. What we saw was a spectacle of pink mountains!

Please take a look. Click on it to see it in larger size.

Pink Mountains of Ladakh

This was an interesting picture. It was a lovely valley. You can see lovely pink at the farther end. You can notice interesting conical shaped mountains!

Pink Mountains of Ladakh

This was a sheer beauty! Rising straight out of Indus river bed. The rugged conical shaped feature flanked by pink surface on either side. Quintessential Ladakh!

This is only a glimpse. We will come back with a detailed post on pink mountains of Ladakh!

When you travel in Ladakh, please make sure you savour the journey. You will find these golden nuggets on the way!

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