Heritage Centres

Kurukshetra | A Quick stop in Bhagavad Gita land!

Kurukshetra is the place where the great war of Mahabharata was fought. A war for 18 days between cousins – Pandavas and Kauravas, a place where Lord Krishna delivered Bhagavad Gita, to Arjuna.

We never had a plan to visit Kurukshetra. It just happened. We were returning from our road trip from Spiti valley in July last year. After a long and miserable drive from Manali to Chandigarh – blame bad roads and traffic – we stayed in Chandigarh for the night. A good night sleep and we left the lovely city of Chandigarh for Delhi after an early breakfast. Our flight from Delhi to Bangalore was in the evening and we had plans to drive straight to airport.

Driving on the highway, we saw a signage : Kurukshetra – 25 KMs. We remembered the place and the large welcome arch with Lord Krishna and Arjuna while going to Chandigarh. Poorna looked at the watch and after a quick calculation, we decided to turn right for a quick stopover at Kurukshetra. The town is 12 KMs from the highway. A big arch welcomes pilgrims to this holy city. Please click on pictures to see them in larger size.


The welcome arch as you turn off the highway

We checked for directions with local people and went straight to the “Brahma Sarovar”.

We parked our car and entered Brahma Sarovar. We were surprised at the vastness of this manmade lake. Clear water was shining in the mid day sun. We understood that Haryana government supply water from Sutlej canal to fill up this lake. The Brahma Sarovar is the most beautiful place in Kurukshetra. It is a well planned with proper ghats for people to take a holy bath on auspicious occasions. It has a nice temple dedicated to Lord Krishna.


The massive Brahma Sarovar. This is an amazing man made lake. Crystal clear water and well planned ghats makes this one of the cleanest holy ponds in the country.


The lovely temple dedicated to Lord Krishna in the lake. It is connected to the bank by a pathway

A fantastic sculpture of Arjuna and Krishna beckons us. Installed on the banks of Brahma sarovar.


The magnificent sculpture of “Gitopadesha”. Sculpted in bronze, this is the best of Kuruskhetra.


The frontal view

We wanted to see the place where Lord Krishna delivered Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna in the middle of the battlefield. To Arjuna who was desolate and low in confidence after seeing his cousins on the enemy side. This place known as Jyotisar, is five minutes drive from Brahma Sarovar. Nicely maintained, the place has a Banyan tree which as per legend was the tree under which Bhagavad Gita was delivered by Lord Krishna. The legend says that this is the oldest Banyan tree which continues to be surviving for last 3000 years. While it is hard to believe that, it is a good place to sit and visualise the war scenario of Mahabharata.


Jyotisar – A small pond with the holy banyan tree under which Lord Krishna delivered Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna


The banyan tree…..still surviving

We look at the list of other places of interest in Kurukshetra – Sheikh Chilli’s tomb, Bhishm Kund. Ban Ganga, Krishna Museum etc. But we had to drive back to Delhi and we did not want to miss flight. Kurukshetra requires one full day to explore.

It was a quick and nice stopover to the holy land. We may stop over again next time when we are driving on this route.

Travel Information

Getting there

By Air – The nearest airport is Chandigarh which is at a distance of 93 KMs

By Rail – Kurukshetra is on the main railway line between Delhi and Chandigarh. Well connected by trains.

By Road – Kurukshetra is on Delhi – Chandigarh highway. Excellent highway.

By Bus – Kurukshetra is well connected by Haryana Road transport corporation buses from different parts of state as well as from Delhi

Stay Options

Kurukshetra is a prominent tourist destination in Haryana. There are many hotels in the town to chose from.

Travel Tips

a) This place can be easily visited while driving from Delhi to Chandigarh. It can be easily done as a day trip from Delhi or Chandigarh.

b) If you want to explore the place in total, you need to keep a full day.

c) Summers will be very hot and best time to visit the place is in winter months.

d) One may be accosted by pandits pestering for performing puja at Brahma Sarovar. Don’t entertain them.

e) The place gets huge crowds on some auspicious occasions. Avoid those days if possible.

f) All holy places are close to each other. If you are travelling by train or bus, then hiring an auto rickshaw will help.

g) Wear a good hat and carry water with you.

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