Heritage Centres One Day Trip Guides

Muthathi/Bheemeshwari & Achalu Betta | Complete One Day Trip Guide!

Muthathi is a riverside picnic spot on River Cauvery. It is a perennial favourite of Bangaloreans who want to enjoy the cool waters of Cauvery! We are combining it with another lovely but fairly unknown hill temple.

This list of 26 one-day trips from Bangalore provides you with an opportunity to spend a day visiting places near Bangalore. We encourage you to explore the rich landscape, heritage and beautiful spots surrounding Bangalore.

This one day trip provides you with an opportunity to explore the lovely riverside picnic spot of Muthathi and the hill temple at Muneshwarana Betta aka Achalu Betta.

The Circuit

Route – Bangalore – Kanakapura – Achalu Grama Panchyath (Muneshwrana Betta/Achalu betta) – Muthathi – Kanakapura – Bangalore

Distance – 215 KMs

Road condition – Excellent except for a few KMs through forest road afar Sathanur

Google map of circuit – https://goo.gl/maps/rw5DGYQhhY62

The Itinerary

7 AM – Depart from Bangalore. Enter Kanakapura road. You are lucky if you are near NICE road where you can exit at Kanakapura Road and join the road.

Between 8 – 8.20 AM – Breakfast options

  1. MTR – Immediately after Art of Living ashram on the left-hand side. Look out for signage – https://goo.gl/maps/HScwfmmwBcktNc2c9
  2. Hotel Yogaprasanna at  Kaggalipura two KMs from Art of Living Ashram on the highway https://goo.gl/maps/1ShNzrhtMnvFKQsdA
  3. Idli Mane at Harohalli on the highway https://goo.gl/maps/iEYRE2XuR8dZNP5W8
  4. Vasu Hotel in Kanakapura if you want to have late Breakfast https://goo.gl/maps/cp4a2FxbDvAbzNpB8

8.45 AM – Depart MTR and drive straight to Kanakapura. Cross Kanakapura town and drive towards Malavalli. As soon as you leave the town behind, you will find lovely hills on the horizon. Driving on the curvaceous road for a few kilometres, you hit the straight stretch. On your left, you will notice a lovely hill. This is Muneshwarana betta or Acahlu betta. Acahlu is a village at the foothill.

The hill as seen from the highway


10 AM – Start climbing the hill. It will take 2 hours for a round trip. The steps make it easier to climb. You won’t find many people climbing the hill as this place is still not explored and become “popular”. Once you reach the top, enjoy the panoramic view of the surrounding hilly terrain. There is a small temple of Muneshwara at the top.

Start of the climb….


Lovely views from the top….


12 Noon – Return to your car and drive towards Muthathi. Enjoy the drive through forests after Sathanur. If you are lucky you may spot some wild animals. You will arrive at Muthathi in one hour.

1 PM – Park your car. Look for a shady place near the river. Spread the carpet/durrie you have brought along. Enjoy the river. Have a good picnic by the riverside. Be careful not to venture deep into the river. Be aware of rocks in the river. No jumping or diving into the water. One can experience sudden depths next to the rocks. Sometimes the loose sand may give away. The place is also notorious for whirlpools. We are not scaring you but cautioning you as many lives have been lost here.

There are many restaurants in Muthathi which serve lunch. Many specialize in fresh fish items. You may check it out.

The forest road after Sathanur….


And quiet flows Cauvery…..


Pick a place like this one and enjoy your riverside picnic


The Hanuman temple…


4 PM – Depart for Bangalore. Stop over for a cup of coffee and snacks in MTR.

Travel Tips

a) It is good to climb the hill early in the morning. We would recommend packing breakfast at Vasu Hotel in Kanakapura and eating it on top of the hill. Departing home around 6.30 AM should bring you to the foothill around 8 AM.

b) Since this trip involves climbing the hills, it may be tough for old people. They can stay put in the car if they wish to.

c) Make sure you wear a nice hat and carry enough water.

d) For lunch, there are many shacks serving food in Muthathi on the main road leading to the river.

e) There is a temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman which is revered by locals.

f) The road condition throughout the route is good. You may encounter a small patch of bad road through the forest after Sathanur.

g) The local fishermen will entice you for a coracle ride in the river. We don’t advise it as it is unsafe without life jackets.

h) Be careful climbing the hills when it is raining as it may be slippery.

i) Always wear good shoes to climb. A nice trekking shoe will be a good bet.

j) Carry a binocular to enjoy the panoramic view of the hills from Achalu Betta and also to see lovely riverine birds.

k) The only accommodation available is with Jungle Lodges and resorts at Bheemeswari which is 5 KMs before Muthathi.

l) Trekkers may opt for a riverside trek from Bheemeshwari to Muthathi.

m) Muthathi and surrounding forests are a birder’s paradise.

n) There are no organised treks in the forest unless you stay in Jungle lodges.

o) The river is also known for “Masheer fishing” which can be done if you stay in Jungle Lodges.

p) Don’t forget to carry a carpet or durrie of Jamkhana (rug) for spreading out to sit on the banks. Also carry camp stools/chairs.

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Road Trips from Bangalore – 49 Exciting options with itineraries!

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